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About Pat

Welcome to My World
(and how I got here!)
My mother (that’s mom in the 1950’s) used to say I could speak whole sentences by the age of two. She also said I could read and spell by age four. These rather curious word skills helped me graduate from elementary school when I was barely 12 and high school at the age of 16. College would come, but much later.

Now fast forward a few years …

I started my writing career as a reporter covering mayor and council meetings for several small towns. Condensing a four-hour council meeting into a one-column newspaper story turned out to be the best training ground for a future copywriter!

My career path eventually took me from weekly papers to a major daily; from ad agencies to in-house advertising and public relations director; and finally, in partnership with my very supportive husband, Tom, to hanging out my own shingle.

Retirement (or so we thought)

After 17 years of agency ownership, we decided to retire and head for the Jersey shore. We made it to the shore, but retirement lasted just a few weeks. I became marketing and sales director for a wonderful assisted living and Tom joined Wegman’s in their prepared foods department!

Retirement (for real)

We did finally retire, however, and we relocated to North Carolina where Use My Words was launched. Thanks for sticking with me. Now you’re all caught up! Let’s start a conversation.

Let’s Start a Conversation…

10 + 15 =